2024 OADC Annual Convention
Session Descriptions

June 13 - 15, 2024 | Sunriver Resort

Annual Convention Page

Learn more about the CLE sessions that will be hosted at this year's events.

Friday | June 14, 2024

"Gaining Trial Experience for Young Attorneys" presented by Deschutes County Judges Beth Bagley, and Randy Miller & Multnomah County Judge Ben Souede
Civil trials are less common than they used to be. This presentation will address how to get young/new attorneys courtroom and trial experience and what the judges presiding over the matter expect. Hear from federal and state judges on how they encourage new attorney participation while allowing a more experienced attorneys to assist if/when needed. Discuss the hurdles of client/insurance approval and how partners can alleviate concerns to facilitate approval for trial appearances.


"Mental Health and Substance Abuse" presented by Kirsten Blume
Many members of the legal community have found the last three years incredibly challenging, stressful, and bordering on unmanageable some days. In a vocation already replete with stress, current circumstances are increasing the level of stress, burnout, and symptoms of mental health conditions for practitioners as well as affecting the functioning of clients. The rates of burnout and mental health conditions have increased exponentially since 2019. Before the pandemic, lawyers already experienced mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and problematic substance use, much more frequently than non-lawyers. It is more important than ever to learn to reach out for help for one’s self and increase our comfort with expressing concern for others.

 "Supreme Court Update" presented by Thomas H. Dupree
Potential impacts on the current supreme court and decisions from the court on law practice.

 "Trial Technology" presented by Bob Christie
Using available tech to improve our trial prep and presentation of evidence.


Saturday | June 15, 2024

"Ethics Refresher for the Defense Practitioner: Multiple Clients in One Lawsuit" presented by Amber Bevacqua-Lynott
Many times multiple defendants are named in a lawsuit, and lawyers agree to represent more than one defendant because the interests seem aligned. Things may go smoothly through the case, or a conflict may be identified as discovery proceeds. This will be an ethics refresher on best practices for representing multiple clients in one action, advance waivers, identifying when a conflict may arise, and analyzing whether the conflict is waivable or not.

 Breakout Sessions
CONSTRUCTION | "Zombie CD Claims- Back from the Dead" presented by Peter Wilcox-Jones
EMPLOYMENT | "Advising Employers on Advanced Leave Issues" presented by Jaci Houser, Rachel Timmins, & Chet Nakada
PRACTICE MANAGEMENT | "Confidentiality and Non-Disparagement Clauses: A Mediator's Role" presented by Richard Vangelisti & Karen Bamberger
DIGISTREAM | "Principles for Advanced Investigations" presented by Garrett McGinn

"Past President Lightning Round" moderated by George Pitcher
Lloyd Bernstein, Partner, Bullivant Houser 
Taking an absolute hard line in a discovery dispute -- thinking that the Court would dig deep into the weeds to understand all the nuances, read all the conferral communications, and reprimand opposing counsel for what was aggressively argued to be an untenable position.

Dan Schanz, Partner, Schanz-Lawler
How to lose a perfectly good case based upon what is in their file.

Katie Smith
, Walhood Law Group
Mediation Mistakes. Have you ever walked away from mediation frustrated with the lack of meaningful settlement negotiations? Here are the biggest mistakes lawyers make coming into mediation that impact the outcome based on my experience both as a participant and mediator.

Vicki Smith, Partner, Chinn Smith Winters
When the best laid plans go awry at trial, it is imperative that you have your client’s trust when you need to pivot your strategy. It is also helpful to review your expert’s file in advance of trial to avoid those plans going awry in the first place.
Grant Stockton, Partner, Brisbee & Stockton
Forewarned is Forearmed:  The best way to lose a winning case is by explaining to the opposition exactly how you intend to win at trial by dressing up your defense strategy as a motion for summary judgment.
Peter Tuenge, Partner, Keating Jones Hughes
Help picking a jury – do not leave home without it; and, personal communication – there is never too much  
Gordy Welborn, Retired Partner, Hart Wagner
Don't Do Me Like That--Battle Scars and Tips

Mistakes we have made, and how you can avoid them.